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    Aleppo foi destruída pela guerra civil; veja fotos de antes e depois


    21/12/2016 12h50

    Aleppo era a maior cidade da Síria até o início da guerra civil no país, em março de 2011.

    Em julho de 2012, rebeldes armados conquistaram bairros de Aleppo e, desde então, a cidade permanecia dividida entre insurgentes e o regime sírio, sendo uma das principais frentes do conflito.

    Após ofensiva das tropas leais ao regime do ditador Bashar al-Assad, os rebeldes concordaram na semana passada em desocupar a cidade.

    Veja fotos de Aleppo antes e depois do início da guerra civil na Síria.


    Sandra Auger/9.ago.2010 e Omar Sanadiki-13.dez.2016/Reuters
    A combination picture shows Aleppo's historic citadel, in the Old City of Aleppo, Syria before it was damaged on August 9, 2010 (top) and after it was damaged December 13, 2016. REUTERS/Sandra Auger (top)/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP24 [aleppo52]
    A entrada da Cidadela medieval de Aleppo, em 2010 e 2016
    A combination picture shows Aleppo's historic citadel, in the Old City of Aleppo, Syria before it was damaged on August 9, 2010 (top) and after it was damaged December 13, 2016. REUTERS/Sandra Auger (top)/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP24 [aleppo51]
    A entrada da Cidadela medieval de Aleppo, em 2010 e 2016


    Omar Sanadiki-24.nov.2008/Reuters e Omar Sanadiki-13.dez.2016/Reuters
    A combination picture shows the Old City of Aleppo, Syria on November 24, 2008 (top) and after it was damaged December 13, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP23 [aleppo82]
    Vista geral da cidade velha de Aleppo, em 2008 e 2016
    A combination picture shows the Old City of Aleppo, Syria on November 24, 2008 (top) and after it was damaged December 13, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP23 [aleppo81]
    Vista geral da cidade velha de Aleppo, em 2008 e 2016


    Omar Sanadiki-24.nov.2008/Reuters e Omar Sanadiki-13.dez.2016/Reuters
    A general view shows damage on the entrance to al-Zarab souk in the Old city of Aleppo, Syria December 13, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP28 [aleppo22]
    Entrada do mercado al-Zarab na cidade velha de Aleppo, em 2008 e 2016
    A general view shows the entrance to al-Zarab souk in the Old city of Aleppo, Syria November 24, 2008. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP29 [aleppo21]
    Entrada do mercado al-Zarab na cidade velha de Aleppo, em 2008 e 2016


    Khalil Ashawi-6.out.2010/Reuters e Omar Sanadiki-17.dez.2016/Reuters
    A combination picture shows Aleppo's Umayyad mosque, Syria, before it was damaged on October 6, 2010 (top) and after it was damaged (bottom) December 17, 2016. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi (top)/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP21 [aleppo42]
    Vista da mesquita Umíada de Aleppo, em 2010 e 2016
    A combination picture shows Aleppo's Umayyad mosque, Syria, before it was damaged on October 6, 2010 (top) and after it was damaged (bottom) December 17, 2016. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi (top)/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP21 [aleppo41]
    Vista da mesquita Umíada de Aleppo, em 2010 e 2016


    Omar Sanadiki-12.mar.2009/Reuters e Omar Sanadiki-13.dez.2016/Reuters
    A combination picture shows Aleppo's Umayyad mosque, Syria, before it was damaged on March 12, 2009 (top) and after it was damaged (bottom) December 13, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP27 [aleppo12]
    Vista da mesquita Umíada de Aleppo, em 2009 e 2016
    A combination picture shows Aleppo's Umayyad mosque, Syria, before it was damaged on March 12, 2009 (top) and after it was damaged (bottom) December 13, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP27 [aleppo11]
    Vista da mesquita Umíada de Aleppo, em 2009 e 2016


    Omar Sanadiki-12.mar.2009/Reuters e Omar Sanadiki-13.dez.2016/Reuters
    A combination picture shows Aleppo's Umayyad mosque, Syria, before it was damaged on March 12, 2009 (top) and after it was damaged December 13, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP20 [aleppo32]
    Vista da mesquita Umíada de Aleppo, em 2009 e 2016
    A combination picture shows Aleppo's Umayyad mosque, Syria, before it was damaged on March 12, 2009 (top) and after it was damaged December 13, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP20 [aleppo31]
    Vista da mesquita Umíada de Aleppo, em 2009 e 2016


    Omar Sanadiki-6.jun.2009/Reuters e Omar Sanadiki-17.dez.2016/Reuters
    A combination picture shows al-Sheebani school's courtyard, in the Old City of Aleppo, Syria before it was damaged on June 6, 2009 (top) and after it was damaged December 17, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP25 [aleppo72]
    Jardim da escola al-Sheebani, em Aleppo, em 2009 e 2016
    A combination picture shows al-Sheebani school's courtyard, in the Old City of Aleppo, Syria before it was damaged on June 6, 2009 (top) and after it was damaged December 17, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP25 [aleppo71]
    Jardim da escola al-Sheebani, em Aleppo, em 2009 e 2016


    Khalil Ashawi-6.out.2010/Reuters e Omar Sanadiki-17.dez.2016/Reuters
    A combination picture shows Hamam El Nahasin, in the Old City of Aleppo, Syria before it was damaged on October 6, 2010 (top) and after it was damaged December 17, 2016. REUTERS/(Top)Khalil Ashawi/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP22 [aleppo62]
    Instalações da piscina pública Hamam El-Nahasin, do século 12, em fotos de 2010 e 2016
    A combination picture shows Hamam El Nahasin, in the Old City of Aleppo, Syria before it was damaged on October 6, 2010 (top) and after it was damaged December 17, 2016. REUTERS/(Top)Khalil Ashawi/Omar Sanadiki SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP22 [aleppo61]
    Instalações da piscina pública Hamam El-Nahasin, do século 12, em fotos de 2010 e 2016


    Khalil Ashawi-12.dez.2009/Reuters e Abdalrhman Ismail-16.out.2014/Reuters
    A general view shows damage inside Shahba Mall, one of the largest commercial shopping centres in Syria, that was targeted by what activists said were air strikes by forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in northern Aleppo countryside October 16, 2014. REUTERS/Abdalrhman Ismail/File Photo SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP01 [aleppo92]
    Vista do interior do shopping center Shahba, em Aleppo, um dos maiores da Síria, em 2009 e 2014
    People stand inside the Shahba Mall in Aleppo, Syria December 12, 2009. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi/File Photo SEARCH "ALEPPO HERITAGE" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. ORG XMIT: PXP02 [aleppo91]
    Vista do interior do shopping center Shahba, em Aleppo, um dos maiores da Síria, em 2009 e 2014

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